On Sunday morning, May 15, we welcomed our precious baby boy into our family! He is the most beautiful little guy I've ever laid eyes on, and we are so incredibly thankful to finally have him here with us!
All day Saturday I had been quite uncomfortable. Truthfully, everything started the weekend before. After steady, painful contractions that led to little sleep on the previous Sunday night, I called in sick to work and headed to the doctor, certain that we would be having a baby by the middle of the week at the latest. My doctor even seemed convinced that I wouldn't make it until the next week, so we didn't even schedule another appointment. I got all of my bags packed and made necessary plans for Lorelai. By Tuesday afternoon, everything had all but stopped completely. Feeling incredibly disappointed, I decided I'd better get back to work. There was no use sitting at home and watching the clock. On Friday morning, I called my doctor and scheduled an appointment for the following Monday morning. Thank goodness I got to cancel that one!
Saturday proved to be the turning point. Friday night was when things kicked in again, and this time I made sure to stay on my feet and keep busy in attempts to encourage the contractions to continue. Around 3:30 Saturday afternoon, I decided to go ahead and go to the hospital. A quick phone call to Labor & Delivery gave me plenty of hope that I wouldn't be coming home without a baby. Things started off slowly, and around 11:00 p.m., the Pitocin drip was started. Labor went much like it had with Lorelai after this. For some reason, I tend to have less productive contractions as the Pit increases. That's not really how it's supposed to work, but apparently that's how I react to it. Thankfully, this labor was much shorter and less "dramatic" than Lorelai's. The only drama we experienced came when it was time for my epidural. Even though everything was done correctly, it just didn't work. After several minutes of waiting for the medicine to kick in, it was clear nothing was happening. So a spinal was my only other option. I welcomed the strange, other-worldly numbness with open arms! Anything to make the pain ease up! Although the medicine eventually wore off, and I began to feel very intense contractions again, the spinal worked perfectly exactly when and where I wanted it to. Just a short time after it all began, our sweet Trek graced us with his presence! His little cry was the most beautiful sound in the room!
Trek Hamilton was born on May 15, 2011 at 11:33 a.m. He weighed 6 lbs., 15.6 oz. and was 21.5 inches long. He's absolutely perfect, and we are MORE than thankful for him! To God be the glory!