Sunday, April 24, 2011

Resurrection Sunday

We celebrate something that no other religion can claim. Today, we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior! Jesus is alive! I stand in awe of His glory.

We were blessed with AMAZING weather this Easter Sunday, which made the day that much sweeter. The sun, the trees, the wind, the grass...they all proclaimed the glory of God so loudly today! Praise His name!

I am so very thankful for my wonderful family. And days like these make me even more thankful that we are all right here together in the same town. (with the exception of my baby brother:(. ) We were fortunate enough to get to enjoy a delicious lunch with Pop, D-Dar, and Grandma Eva. After some play time outside in the sun, we headed over the Nanny and Pappy's house for a short visit.

Half-naked and opening her Easter basket. Nice...

I just love my little family!

She's not the least bit loved :)

Spoiled by Grandma Eva just like Mommy is!

She and Pop had lots of fun playing with the water hose

And she's out!

All that were missing were Ty & Ab...and TREK! I'm about 3 weeks from my due date, and I'm feeling more than ready! We have nothing ready for him at the house, but I don't even care at this point. I'm just ready for my little man to be here with all of us. But it's been requested that we wait until after Pop and D-Dar get back from Florida. We shall see!