Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Silly Sayings

My Lorelai Roxane is talking like crazy these days! She has a very strong personality, and it is certainly evident in her speech. When she wants something, she's quite demanding! And she doesn't forget, so there's no distracting her and getting away with not fulfilling a wish.

Some of Lorelai's favorite things to say are:

"Peeese!" - Please
"Tat-to" - Thank you
"Ha-shu?!" - Hold you!
"Shh...nigh nigh"
"Wuf ooo!" - Love you
"Gog" - Dog
"Mum on" - Come on
"Tek" - Trek
"Phong" - Phone
"Moo-wa" - More
"Dah Dawar" - DDar
"Ya Ya" - Lorelai
"Tiss It" - Kiss it
"Sah-ee" - Sorry
"Anges!" - Rangers!

She is such a motor mouth! I really want to try and capture the way she says things, because I know that all too soon she'll start to learn how to say them the right way. And while that will make me oh so proud, I just want to hold on to her cute little language for as long as I can!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trek is 2 months old!

My sweet boy is already 2 months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying by us. We are having the time of our lives!

Trek, at 2 months old, you:

  • Weigh 12 lbs 8 oz. Big boy!
  • Are 23.5 inches long.
  • Sleep well at night, usually only waking up once to nurse.
  • Get swaddled tightly a lot of evenings because your mom thinks you have just a touch of colic :(
  • Take very short naps during the day, which seems to make you want to nurse more often
  • Are beginning to smile more and "talk" to Mommy and Daddy after you eat!
  • Still haven't lost any hair! In fact, it's getting longer and thicker!
  • Have a little bit of an issue with reflux, but nothing too major.
  • Are such a beautiful blessing to all of us!
We love our baby boy so much! He is such a blessing, and we praise God for our sweet surprise.

Summer is almost over, which means I will be heading back to work soon. I am so excited to begin another school year at Columbia Christian, but my heart is already breaking at the thought of leaving my precious babies! Thankfully, I have the greatest support system on the planet, and they won't spend a day in childcare again this year. Every day I marvel at the blessings that have been thrown upon us; blessings that we are so unworthy of receiving. One of the greatest blessings is our family. Not only do they love us, but the love our children beyond anything we could ask for. God is so good!

Sweet Babies

I thought I would share some recent pictures of my sweet babies. This is the first time I've been able to get their picture together. It may not be the perfect composition or set-up, but I think it's sweet! Enjoy!

Wow...I'm one lucky girl!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Since Trek will go for his 2 month checkup this week, I should probably update on the stats from his 1 month checkup!

My babies are growing like crazy! I absolutely cannot believe how fast this summer is flying by us. I'm so fortunate to have been able to spend the last few months getting to know my kiddos better. God has been good to us, and has blessed me with a job that allows me to spend summers with my sweet blessings!

When my Trek-man was born, he weighed 6lbs., 15.6 oz and was 21 inches long. Compared to his sister, he looked like a long, skinny baby. In all actuality, they were only a couple of ounces apart in weight. When Lorelai was born, she weighed 7lbs., 1.5 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. But just looking at him, you would guess that he was significantly smaller. That, however, did not last long! I knew Trek was gaining weight well, because we had been to the doctor more than usual in his first 2 weeks. Trek had a severe case of jaundice that required frequent bloodwork, accompanied by a few days attached to a bili-light. He and Mommy spent several nights sleeping in the living room, waking to an alarm every 2 hours so that he could eat. It was exhausting, but it was necessary to get him over that hump! Thankfully, after 5 days of lots of eating, bloodwork, and time attached to a light, Trek was given the "all clear" from Dr. Alexander, and we were able to begin a less-intense feeding and sleeping schedule. Because of all of this, Trek had to be weighed several times to make sure that he was thriving. But all you had to do was look at him, and there was no question the boy was putting on weight!

Even with all of the extra feeding, I didn't expect him to have grown as much as he did! Trek weighed a whopping 10 lbs., 4 oz. at his 1 month checkup! He was 23 inches long. I was amazed! I told Jeremy that he and I apparently make chunky babies. But that's ok...they're mega-cute!

A week after Trek's 1 month checkup, Lorelai and I headed to see Dr. Alexander for her 18 month checkup. (Even though I know it to be true, sometimes it still amazes me that I have 2 babies under the age of 2. But moving on...) I know my Lo is a big girl. It's obvious when I see her with her peers, and even more obvious when I hold her for any length of time. My big girl weighed in at 29 lbs, and she is 33 inches tall! She has a mouth full of teeth and chatters away like she's already grown. I am so proud to be her Mommy! We will be going to get her 18 month shots soon...I am not looking forward to fighting that battle.

I can't believe my babies are growing so quickly! It's easy for me to wish that time would stop. But when I really think about it, I'm excited for what tomorrow and forever is going to bring for us! As they change, they become the people that God created them to be. It's my prayer that, as they grow and change, Jeremy and I are able to equip them to know the Lord and give Him glory is every aspect of their lives.