Monday, December 27, 2010

To say that Christmas was exciting this year would be the understatement of the century. It was a whirlwind. Snuggled up on the couch tonight with my laptop, it's a bit difficult for me to believe that it's actually over! I can still see our Christmas lights outside of my window. It's colder outside than it had been in a long time. And my tree and decorations are still smiling at me around my living room, reminding me that, even though it's December 27, it can still be the most wonderful time of the year.

We had a great time with precious Lorelai on her first Christmas! Saturday morning, we were quite lazy. I think Lo finally decided she needed to get out of bed around 8:30. Mommy was quite thankful for the extra sleep. Jeremy had beat us, getting up earlier to cook his yummy homemade biscuits that have quickly become a Christmas tradition in the Mitchell house.

After breakfast, Jeremy read Lorelai the Christmas story in Luke 2 for the first time. It was absolutely precious to me. We have a nativity scene that my dad brought home from Ghana one year. I proudly display it in my home every Christmas. Not only does it remind me of my Jesus, but it reminds me of the precious people of Ghana as well. As Jeremy read the story, I gave Lorelai the characters to look at and play with. It was definitely a moment I won't soon forget. I want this to always be the reason we wake up on Christmas morning.

Even though she probably couldn't have cared less, we decided that it was probably time to start opening gifts. I really thought Lorelai would be into the gift opening more than she was at Christmas. She loves to tear paper, so I thought surely she would at least enjoy ripping them open! We tried and tried to let her do it on her own, but she just couldn't stay focused. That Dunlap ADD was kicking in:) So we opened her gifts for her. She only got 2 from us this year, and for good reason. This kid racked up! One gift was a flop, but the other was a total hit! She absolutely loves to pack and unpack things, so when she discovered that her train was full of blocks to play with, she was hooked. We had the best time just watching her play with that toy! What precious moments for us as a family.

Finally, it was time to get dressed and head out for our visits to family. We had lunch with the Mitchells, where Lorelai enjoyed a nice 2+ hour nap! Once she woke up, we loaded up and headed to the Dunlaps for our traditional Holiday Inn movie. Even though it's always chaotic at our house, we love to watch Bing and Fred fight over their ladies in Holiday Inn every Christmas!

What a wonderful day we had. I've already looked through pictures and videos several times. At one point, I told Jeremy that no one but us would care about all of these things in a few years. He just smiled and said, "That's ok. They'll always be special to us." I agree. I hope I never forget sweet Lorelai's first Christmas. To God be the glory...great things He has done!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

First Christmas Pictures

Here are just a few pictures from our first Christmas with our sweet girl. I'll blog more about our weekend later. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lorelai's First Christmas

Yesterday, we kicked off the first part of our Christmas adventures with precious Lorelai! And, oh, the fun we had!

Christmas began for us at Nanny & Pappy's house. We celebrated with Uncle Chad and Aunt Natasha, and Kinsley. Lorelai was the best behaved baby we could have ever imagined her being. She was perfectly content watching everyone be goofy and open gifts. She had 2 toy cars that she played with on top of a wrapped present. Mommy and Daddy had to open all of her gifts:)

After some time opening presents, we all played Kinsley's new games. Once again, Lorelai never complained! She played and played, mostly with old toys and gift trash. She made it all the way til 10:00, when we finally decided to load up and head home.

We are so incredibly blessed with Lorelai Roxane! She is honestly one of the most pleasant babies I've ever been around. Sure, I'm totally partial to my sweet baby girl, but I think I've got it right when I say she's almost always a joy! Even on her worst days, she's still a wonderful baby.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the holidays hold for us! There will be many pictures and videos to help us remember Lo's first Christmas. I just hope we get to slow down enough to enjoy it a little while it's happening.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Pictures, Take 1

Lorelai looked SO CUTE this morning for church! So afterward I of course had to try and get some pictures of her in front of the Christmas tree. I must admit, my tree decorating is definitely sub par. I have no tree skirt, there's junk behind the tree, etc. Please, do your best to focus on the cute, hilarious girl and not my lack of decorating ability.

This last one is SO FUNNY to me!!! Bless her little heart! Jeremy seriously hates that I put these up. He says it's mean. But what kind of mother would I be if I couldn't enjoy my child's goofy and mildly "special" expressions?! Poor Lorelai. She has such a mean Mommy!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I'm not even sure if that's how you spell that word. Usually, I pride myself in correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. But tonight I just can't bring myself to care.

I've been reading a couple of new blogs lately. This week, two very interesting and very different blogs have "fallen into my lap." I'm so glad I don't believe in coincidences, though. I believe in God's sovereinty in all things. Even things that seem silly, like blogs. I've been challenged by two very different sets of people. Both have challenged my faith, and my Father has used both of these people to convict me of very serious sin in my life. Sin that I am sometimes pretty good at hiding. Although those that know me well don't see too far past the facade.

It's late. Especially for me. I'm usually in dream land at this point. But after spending well over an hour reading one of those new blogs, I decided that a relaxing bubble bath was in order. I needed to think about some things. I needed some time to talk to Jesus. I decided that now would be a good time to share my random musings. Some are deeper than others. So if you care to know things on my mind, please feel free to read on.

1.  I want to be a better listener. I tend to make things about me...ALL THE TIME. It's ridiculous really. I can't even believe I have friends at this point. I'm sorry. I want to be better. I really do care, I guess I'm just not good at showing it. I want to get better. I will get better.

2.   I have a really great husband. Seriously. I take him for granted every single day. I complain and nag him and probably drive him insane. Luckily, I married someone who respects the institute of marriage and fears God, otherwise he may have left me a long time ago! :) Today, he got up and went to work. He came home for lunch, changed clothes, and went to work on the deck that he's been building me. As a Christmas present. That I didn't even have to ask for. After a few hours of work, he got out more Christmas decorations for the yard that I've been bugging him about for 2 weeks. That project got interupted by another, bigger project. My wonderful husband spent the remainder of the afternoon, and most of the evening, working with our neighbor to install a new door on our house. This is a HUGE deal! They worked. And worked. And worked. For over 4 hours. And NEVER complained. It's still not finished, but at 7:30 he finally came in. Then he spend the rest of his evening snuggling and playing with Lorelai. He adores her. And she absolutely cannot get enough of her Daddy. I am lucky. That was a lot for one number, but I just couldn't resist:)

3.   I am very thankful for good neighbors. This guy knows Jeremy from work. He volunteered his carpentry skills to help install a new door. No one asked him to help. He simply walked over and offered. He and Jeremy have been measuring and talking about this door since October. After nearly cutting off his fingers last month on another project, this man still offered to help us today. He didn't ask for anything, and he did it with a smile. He may not know it, but he showed the love of God today with his actions. I see a Backyard giftcard in his future.

4.   I love Saturdays with Lorelai. She is SO MUCH FUN! I really don't know how else to say that. My heart swells when I think about the love I have for her. I want to remember these days always.

5.   I'm thankful for a God who loves me in spite of who I am. I'm a fake and a phony. To a lot of people, I've got it together. For the most part, I'm doing pretty well. Jesus knows better. Lucky for me, he chooses to love me anyway. That's insane.

6.   I LOVE CHRISTMAS! The lights! The music! The weather! The pictures! And the super cute clothes that I get to dress Lorelai in.

7.   I have wonderful friends that I don't get to spend enough time with. This makes me happy and sad all at the same time. I want to make more of an effort to spend time with the girls. Just us. No husbands. No kids. HA! That would require the husbands taking the kids...which is just nuts.

8.  This post is entirely too long, but if you love me, you're still reading. Either that, or you've got nothing better to do with your time. Hopefully I'm not too big of a waste:)

9.   I should be more thankful. And less selfish. God is allowing me to carry another child, and all I've done since the day I found out is complain. There's a whole other post or 2 in here for this topic, but I'll sum it up with heart is broken for the condition that it is in, and I am praying for healing.

10.   I haven't gotten sick in THREE WHOLE DAYS! That, my friends, is way cool! I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

11.   I want to know the gender of this child I'm incubating. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with this pregnancy, but now I'm ready to know! I'm trying to convince Jeremy that we should do our ultrasound at 18 weeks so that I can know before Christmas. So far, he's not going for it. Keep your fingers crossed.

12.   I want to read my Bible more. Will you say a prayer for me that I will be more faithful?

13.   I'm thankful for the gift of song. I love to sing. I'm not that great, but I still enjoy it. I'm glad people give me a chance to sing.

14. I should go to bed. Sunday mornings are always hectic around our house, and tomorrow will probably be no different.

15.   I hope Jeremy makes biscuits in the morning. The kitchen is in decent shape, so maybe Lo and I will get to enjoy some before church:)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Funny Hair!

Lorelai's hair is nuts lately! There's not much you can do with it, except hope that it lays down. Tonight when I got her out of the bath, I tossled her hair with the towel and got a diaper on her. When I looked up, she looked SO STINKIN CUTE! I grabbed the camera and got a couple of pretty good shots.

I just can't quit laughing at these! Her Daddy wants me to make sure I keep them for when she starts dating:)

Sweet Snuggles

Lorelai doesn't really like to snuggle. If she has a choice (and she usually does) she'd much rather be on the floor, or at least on the move in someone's arms. Last night, I got a rare chance to rock my girl to sleep.

She was so sleepy when we got home from dinner. I got her ready for bed and took her back to her room. I didn't expect to rock her, but I decided to give it a shot. She was already so tired, so I didn't think she would fight it too much. And she didn't! She immediately snuggled into my arms and started loving on my shirt sleeve, something new that she's started doing lately. I was in Mommy heaven! I sang and sang to her, picking random Christmas songs and old hymns. I finally put her in her bed so she could stretch out. But not before soaking in the wonderful feeling of my big little girl in my arms. Not before kissing her a thousand times. Not before crying just a little at how incredibly amazing she is. Not before talking to Jesus for quite a while about the kind of Mommy I want to be for Lorelai, and the kind of woman I know He wants her to become.

Jeremy got to cuddle with his baby girl tonight. It was absolutely sweet! We turned off the lights, had our tiny fireplace going, and Christmas music playing over the TV. Lo snuggled up with her Daddy in his recliner, and they both fell asleep. After about 30 minutes, I took her to bed.

What sweet, sweet moments with our sweet, sweet Lorelai. These are some of the moments that I would like to pause. I'm so ready to make these memories with #2 very soon. Before we have time to blink twice, our family will grow from 3 to 4. It's not at all the way I imagined my's better!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Roger's Top Ten

I realize I blog a lot...maybe too much...about the Rangers. I just can't help it! I'm going to do my very best to make this my last Ranger post for a while. But I just couldn't help myself.

During the World Series, my clever father came up with a Top Ten Countdown that I thought was incredibly funny! So I've got to share.

Top Ten Reasons You Might Suspect You're a Rangers Bandwagon Jumper

10)     You don't know who Joaquin Arias is without searching the internet
  9)     You're unsure of how to pronounce (or even who is) Esteban German
  8)     You think TAG is just a silly kids' game
  7)     You think Salty is a type of roasted peanut, and a Teagarden is where an Englishman has his afternoon drink with crumpets
  6)     You weren't "throwing" the CLAW sign in June
  5)     You think you can make a Julio Borbon by mixing tequila and whiskey
  4)     You find yourself saying, "VLAD! How in the WORLD could you swing at THAT pitch?!"
  3)     You think, "Hey, who's that old bald guy sitting next to the former President? Is he some kind of secret service?"
  2)     You're thinking of buying tickets, in the left-field upper deck, for a 5 p.m. July 4 game next season.
  1)     You're worried because the Rangers are down 3 games to 1. RELAX! WE GOT THIS!

I thought those were so funny! Of course, the #1 reason proved to be untrue, but they proved time and again this year that you just can't give up on the Rangers. I'm already counting down to Opening Day at The Ballpark in Arlington on April 1, 2011. I'm still trying to talk my wonderful husband into taking his 8-month-pregnant wife to that weekend series. We'll see if I can convince him between now and then! I only have 5 months and 21 days left!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today is Halloween.

Today is also Lorelai's 10 month "birthday!" I've not really had too much time to reflect on that today, but each time it's crossed my mind, all I can do is grin and shake my head. It's just so unbelievable!

I still remember New Year's Eve 10 months ago. I know I always will. Tonight I've had a little time to think about that night (while watching the Rangers:) ), as well as how much has changed since then. Lorelai weighed 7 lbs., 1.5 oz when she was born. Friday night, she weighed 21 lbs. On December 31, 2009, Lorelai Roxane was 19 inches long. At her 9 month checkup on October 8, she was 27.5 inches long. She didn't have much to say those first few days. Now there is never a quiet moment at my house. (Which I love, by the way)

Lorelai Roxane - December 31, 2010

Lorelai Roxane - October 30, 2010

Lorelai has changed so much just in the last few weeks! She is a pro at pulling up. She's absolutely fearless. A laundry basket, a couch, a toy, a drawer, a pair of legs. They're all fair game when she decides it's time to stand up. And she's always so proud of herself! She has to turn and make sure somebody is watching all the time. The girl can cover ground like nobody's business! As soon as she sees something she wants, she's off! Just this week, Lorelai's first tooth broke through! I am one proud Mommy. We're already working on number two! And Lorelai loves her Daddy! Just in the last few days, she really seems to have figured out what to call him. I'm always slow to credit her for a milestone, and I know that babys often say dadada and mamama without actually knowing what they're saying. But I feel like she's figured it out lately! It's so funny to see her face when Jeremy walks in to the room. She adores him!

Lorelai is my little soprano. After her bath this morning, she just sang and sang! Her face was incredibly animated as we walked through the house for a diaper. Eyes wide, mouth dropped open, loving the sound of her own voice. And who can blame her?! It's only the most beautiful voice on the planet!

I'm having the time of my life with my sweet baby girl. She's an absolute joy. I can honestly say that she is fun every single day of the week. I like to tell her that "Even on your bad days, you're still really good!" And it's completely true. I love her so very much! And it's amazing to me that every day I wake up with just a little more love in my heart for my precious baby girl.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

History Has Been Made

We are HUGE Texas Ranger fans at our house! This has been made quite clear in several previous posts. Tonight, the Rangers made history. They won their first Post Season series in the history of the franchise!

My dad was raised a Ranger fan, and therefore Tyler and I were raised that way as well. We've been watching the Rangers since before I can remember. And while it's been fun, it's usually proved disappointing. Not tonight! Tonight, a little after 10:00, Cliff Lee threw his last pitch to BJ Upton of the Tampa Bay Rays; a pop out to shortstop, Elvis Andrus. The series ended after 5 games. Games 1 and 2 were played in Tampa Bay, and the Rangers dominated. Games 3 and 4 were played in Arlington, where Tampa came back and tied the series. It all came down to tonight. I've gotta be honest...I didn't have much faith. I WANTED them to win, but I just wasn't sure if they could. Shame on me! With a 5-1 final, the Rangers are headed back to Arlington!

A few weeks ago, I decided it might be neat to go to the ALCS, if the Rangers were to make it. Jeremy, Tyler, Abbie and I were fortunate enough to have tickets to Game 3 of the ALDS. My Grandma Eva bought us tickets for Christmas, and it was a blast! But I knew that my dad would love to have the opportunity to see the Rangers in the Post Season. So when I got an email from the Rangers giving me the opportunity to purchase ALCS tickets, I just couldn't resist! We kept it a secret, and tonight I got to make a really fun phone call. There have been very few times that I've been able to successfully surprise my daddy, and I'm really glad this one worked out!

So Friday night, we'll be there! Hopefully to witness a little more history. The Texas Rangers have never won a Post Season game at home...ever. I'm really hoping they change that one Friday night! BRING ON THE YANKEES!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Have You Heard?

It's not really a secret at this point. But it was to me! Up until a week ago Sunday, I had no idea anything was going on in my body. But...surprise!

I woke up last Saturday, and I didn't feel too well. I got a little sick before Lorelai and I left the house to run some errands, but I didn't think much of it. Once I got some breakfast in my tummy, I was fine! Sunday morning was a little of the same. While I had my head in the toilet, Jeremy happened to walk by and voice his concern. "Could you be pregnant?" HA! Yeah right! No way! I quickly shot him down, and explained that Misty, the girl that I work with, was dealing the the stomach bug at her house, and I must have caught a bit of it the previous week at school. But Jeremy persisted. For the rest of the morning. And most of the afternoon. So finally, at about 3:00, I headed to Walgreens for a covert shopping trip. There was no point in going to Walmart...everybody and their dog would have seen me on that aisle, and the rumor would have been around town before I even got to pee on the stick!

I didn't really get anxious or nervous until I actually opened the box at home. There was no real reason for me to believe I was pregnant. Sure, I was a few weeks late, but surely it's normal to be irregular after a baby. Nothing about my body felt at all like it did with Lorelai. I had been pretty tired, but I have a pretty taxing job, so I blamed the fatigue on the 4 and 5 year olds that I corral all day. At 5:00 on Sunday afternoon, I finally bit the bullet and took the test. My heart was pounding! But I just knew it shouldn't be, right?! WRONG!

It took less than a minute for that beautiful little word to appear digitally on the screen. (Jeremy wanted me to buy the high dollar ones just to be sure). WHAT?! I fell...literally fell...on the floor of the bathroom. I was in shock. I looked at it again and again. I'm pregnant?! Really?! Excitement, panic, anxiety, joy, and every other emotion you could possibly imagine went pulsing through my veins in the exact same instant. When I gathered myself just a little and finally picked myself up off the floor, I stalked into the living room to find my baby girl. As soon as I saw her, my heart melted and I burst into tears. How could any baby be as good as this baby? How could I ever in my existance find enough love to share with another baby? I'm still working on that one, but I know that as soon as I hear this precious heartbeat and see that first picture, I will be head over heels for Baby #2, just like I am for Lorelai.

I scooped my girl up and headed back to the bedroom to tell Daddy that he better start truck shopping. He was elated! Jeremy has been my strength this week. He loves being a daddy, and he can't wait to get to love another baby! When I start stressing, he just smiles and tells me that God is sovereign and that "we got this!" Lorelai has a good daddy. And so does Baby #2:)

So here we go again! I'm heading to the doctor for the first time in the morning. According the the calendar, I'm already 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Baby #2 will be here sometime in mid-May! Lorelai will be a little more than 16 months old. Crazy, I know! But my God is in control. He has a plan for the child's life, and I get to be a part of that! I will never ever ever tell you that this child was an accident or mistake. Unexpected? Yes. A surprise? Yes. An accident? No way. My Father doesn't make mistakes...ever! I'm so thankful, and I'm praying for a healthy baby! And I might throw in a prayer or two for another well-behaved baby, too. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Thankful for the Little Things


My dishwasher
A washer and dryer that are inside my house
An air conditioner that works
Wireless internet!
Bottle scrubbers
Cold Dr. Pepper
Lorelai Laughs
Clean sheets
Gummy grins
Channel 750 coming in clear so I can watch the Rangers in HD
Memories in pictures
Tiny baby shoes on my automan
My job
My husband's job

I wish I didn't take so much for granted. I just thought it'd be nice to reflect on some things that I rarely even think about. I really have no reason to complain!

She just keeps growing!

Lorelai is getting so big! Every single day I'm blown away with how much she changes. I went in her room this morning to check her, and I couldn't help but marvel at how much she's grown. She's so tall! I measured her tonight, and she's 25 inches! We took her to the doctor a few weeks ago, and she was 18 pounds! When did this happen?! I feel like I went to sleep one night, and the next morning she was this tall, chunky, singing, crawling, dancing baby girl.

Of course, I'm absolutely thrilled that she's growing so well! And every single day with her is more fun than the last. She loves to laugh at the silliest things, and she has the most beautiful smile on the planet. And no, I'm not at all biased:) Check out these super cute pictures of her scrunchy grin!

This is a child with a 102 - 103 fever!

She's definitely a poser for the camera! She thinks they were all created for her:)

She is the most amazing human being on the planet, hands down. I give my Heavenly Father all of the glory and praise for giving us such an incredible baby girl to share our lives with. She's so happy all the time. She's pleasant. She's low-maintenance. She's a joy!

Lorelai just keeps growing! And we wouldn't have it any other way!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lorelai's First Game!

We are HUGE Ranger fans at our house! This is obvious from a couple of previous posts. I've been counting down the days til we took Lo to her first game. We finally got the chance last Saturday, the 28th! To say I was excited would be an understatement. I was PUMPED! Not only was it her first game, but it was my first game since last season!

Tyler met us in Fairview on Saturday, where we stayed with Jeremy's aunt and uncle. Saturday night, we loaded up and headed to the game! We had great seats. We were behind the left field foul poll. Jeremy picked these seats so that we would be in left field with Hamilton:) Lo stayed awake through the whole game, and never once fussed or cried! We seriously must have the most chill baby on the planet! Hope you enjoy the few pictures that we took!

She was a happy camper, even after being toted around for an hour

Mommy and her super excited little fan!

Lo hangin out with Uncle Tyler during the game

We had such a great weekend! We enjoyed spending time with Jan, Jeff, Joah, Jess, and Judson. And of course the game was a blast! Sure, they lost, but they're still our team!:) See you in the playoffs, Rangers!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

In With the New

Life is funny. It's an adventure. It's never what you expect it to be. Sometimes God opens doors for us that we didn't even know where there.

Life is different for me now. I had no idea 2 months ago that I would even have the opportunity that I have now. A few weeks ago, it was mentioned to me in passing that there was a teaching position open at Columbia Christian Childcare in town. We talked about it for a little while. My friends have always known that I've had an interest in teaching, but that I've never pursued it. I guess they decided that they would pursue it for me! The next day, I had 2 of those friends contact me about the same position. One had even taken the time to call and speak with the director of the center.

Every piece of the puzzle kept falling into place. This couldn't just be by chance. If I am going to claim to have the faith that I claim to have, then I've got to live it. And so I did! Me and Jesus talked about it...a LOT. I agonized over this decision. There were nights that I couldn't sleep and days that I couldn't focus. I loved my job. I was happy. I was making good money. I had a great boss and coworkers that were so much fun! I would be absolutely crazy to leave! But sometimes God does things that we think are crazy.

Every single door opened for me within 2 weeks. And so...drumroll please...I've taken the job as a Pre-K4 teacher at CCS! Holy moly! It has absolutely rocked my world and turned me on my head. But I love it! My class is so much fun. We're all still getting to know eachother, but I really do have a good bunch of kiddos. They're not perfect by any means, but who is? Certainly not me! I love it, and I know that this is where God wants me. That's the most important thing to me.

My plans are to work through the Non Traditional Licensure Program for the next 2 years. I want to get my license in secondary English so that I can teach high school-level English courses. I know, it sounds gross to most people, but it's where my heart it. I actually wanted to major in English in college so that I could teach, but I changed my mind for one reason or another. But I'm doing it now. I'm jumping in! My next step is to take Praxis 1 and 2. They have to be completed before I can apply for the summer-intensive program. So here we go! This should be a wonderful adventure. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for our family through this journey! Stay tuned... :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Watermelon Shoot

A few weeks ago, Lorelai had a mini-photoshoot with a local photographer. Stacey Howell with Cloud Dust Photography does amazing work! She had a promotional shoot scheduled for the last weekend in June, so I quickly signed Lorelai up for a 30 minute session. We could choose between a watermelon-themed shoot, or a woodland fairy-themed shoot. I chose the watermelon, mostly because I don't think Lo was quite big enough for the fairy pictures.

For a small sitting fee, we got 30 minutes with Stacey. She then chose 5 of the best photos from the shoot, edited them, and burned them to a cd. A couple of weeks after our shoot, the pictures were ready! I am so pleased with the results!

I sure do love this sweet smile! It was tough to get her to smile, but as soon as her P-Pop showed up, so did the grins:)

Her mouth was open in every picture because she had been so sick that weekend. Poor girl couldn't breath through her nose:(

This one is our favorite! Such a classic Lorelai expression!

Stacey is an incredibly talented photographer. She's so great at capturing candid moments, as well as cute little poses. I definitely recommend her to anyone in the Magnolia area! When Jeremy asked me in June what I wanted for our anniversary, the only thing I asked for was a family photo shoot with Stacey. We're scheduled to have a session with her at the end of September. I can hardly wait!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

These are pictures from this weekend. It was a tough one for all of us, but we still enjoyed sweet fellowship with family. I haven't posted pictures in a while, so I thought I should share before I got in too much trouble:)

Four fun generations! We had a lot of fun Saturday evening and Sunday, just the four of us. I sure do love my mom and Grandma Eva!

Sweet Lorelai cooperates so well, even when there's a camera in her face!

This is special to me. These are the flowers that were at the church for Gramps' service. There are 22 red roses, and they represent the number of years Grandma Eva and Gramps were married. The 2 yellow roses represent Tyler and me. And the big sunflower represents Lorelai. She lit up his life, that's for sure!

It is so hard knowing that Gramps is gone. But it is such a blessing knowing that his death was not the end! I got to hear his salvation story this weekend, and it thrills my soul to know that he had faith in the Savior. He is rejoicing, and he doesn't miss us one bit! This is the way it should be! Praise God!

Monday, July 12, 2010

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15

Death is hard. Death is painful. Death is heartbreaking. But I praise my Jesus that death is not the end! I have leaned on this hope so many times in the past, and He is faithful to let me lean on it again today.

I desire to bring glory to the Father in my every action, my every word, my every thought. Even when faced with suffering, we are to glorify God for who He is. I'm so thankful to be a child of God. How fortunate that He chose to place me in a family that placed such value on His Word and His church. How unworthy I am of His salvation and His mercies. I'm so grateful and so humbled.

Death has no sting for a child of God. What a beautiful promise! The sorrow may last for the night, but His joy comes in the morning. Praise God! Today is painful for us, and tomorrow will be as well. The next few months hold many tears of sadness for us. But we will never cease to praise His name for who He is.

He continues to prove Himself faithful, and His mercies are new every morning.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Little Fan!

We love the Texas Rangers at our house! I grew up watching them play. I can remember staying up late during the summer with Tyler watching games and learning players. I remember my very first Ranger game. I remember our favorite players in the 90s. I remember learning the ins and outs of America's favorite past-time, all while watching the Rangers! Sure, they're not always a winning team, and they usually break your heart come July or August. But they still are, and always will be, my favorite team in baseball.

I converted Jeremy when we got married, and now we're both hooked! Lorelai will be raised a Ranger fan, as sad as that may seem to many. She already has 3 outfits and a bib. I'm planning her first trip to the ballpark later this season. Enjoy the next few pictures of her cheering them on last night! Sadly, they blew it. Better luck next time, boys!

I think these are so funny. She looks like she's forcing a smile for the camera.

I saved the best for last! When I look at this picture, I can't help but say, "Bless her heart!"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Leaving My Baby Girl

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I am leaving my sweet Lorelai for the first time for any extended period of time. I'm starting to get quite anxious. Not because I'm worried about Lorelai, of course, but because I'm going to miss her oh so much!

Jeremy and I are packing up tonight and leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for Dallas, Texas. We are going as sponsors to SOAR, an annual youth conference put on by the BMA. I love Soar. I've been going since I was in the 7th grade. The only year I've ever missed was the year Jeremy and I got married. Since then, we have been going as sponsors with our students, and we love it! Of course, this year is a bit different. We debated about bringing Lorelai on the trip. After all, I am nursing, and I really didn't like the thought of having to switch her to formula, or even having to supliment with formula. Unfortunately, my body has decided that it may not be up for nursing for much longer, so we started suplimenting a few weeks ago. It's gone great so far, and so Lorelai will stay home during Soar.

We are taking a group of almost 100 students! I know we're going to be going like crazy, so it's best that we not add a 6 month old baby to the mix. We will be taking Lorelai to Nanny and Pappy's to spend the night tonight, since we have to load up and head out of town before 7:00 in the morning. She will stay with them until Thursday night, when D-Dar and P-Pop will pick her up and keep her until we come home Friday evening. I'm excited about our trip! But I sure am going to miss my sweet baby girl!

I really never understood why people were like this with their children. I thought I understood that they loved them and all, but I thought that it should just be super easy to leave them for short times. But what everyone says is so never fully understand the monumental love that a parent has for a child until you become a parent yourself. It blows my mind how in love with this baby girl I am! Every single day, I find even more love in my heart for her. How is that even possible at this point?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Little Things

I'm starting to realize just how fast my days with Lorelai are speeding by. She literally does something new everyday. And I love it! I love watching her grow and change. I'm fascinated by her development and the ways that she's starting to interact with her world. I am absolutely loving every second of it! And it's making me very aware of the little things around me that I am so incredibly thankful for.

Last night was the first time since Lorelai has been here that we actually sat down, as a family, and had dinner. I even tried a new recipe! Go ahead, I'll give you a minute to catch your breath after that surprise....

So we enjoyed an evening together, just the three of us, with no distractions. Lorelai played in her highchair and entertained us. We laughed a lot. It was so great!

I understand that these days are flying by, and that we won't have many more of them. I want to enjoy them while they're here. So there will be many more family dinners to come. Whether it be my cooking or Dairy Queen, I'm not picky! I want to remember the little things.

I am so inredibly thankful for the little things.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Few New Bows

These are pictures of Lorelai in her bows that we got right before we headed to the beach. I'm hoping to get some more soon, but I thought these were blog-worthy!:) Enjoy!

I love this face!

Those dimples are so stinkin cute!

Her daddy is responsible for this picture

She is quite the poser already! I'm interested to see how big of a ham she'll be when she really starts trying:)

Friday, June 11, 2010

I Swear it was Green!

Let me start by saying that I'm thankful for law enforcement. They make a lot of sacrifices for our safety, and so do their families. Our communities wouldn't be safe without them. There...that's my disclaimer. And now here's my rant...

It's 10:00. I have Lorelai in the backseat in her pjs. We're headed home from Bible study at the North Wing. As I approach the red light on North Street to turn left onto Dudney, I find it quite strange that my light is red, and so are the lights on Dudney. I assume that someone must have been turning left from the other direction, and their light had the green arrow. So obviously I'm aware that the light is red, right? Right.

I'm slowing down to stop, when the light turns green. Awesome! I get to go home! I zip into the left turn lane and make my turn. That's when I see them. Out of nowhere, blue lights. Crap! What the heck! I can't be speeding...I just came off my brakes! Maybe a brake light is out. Yeah, that must be it. The spotlight on his car is blinding, and I literally have to duck to get away from the light in my eyes. Up walks Mr. City Cop to break the news to me. Bring it on...I'm ready.

"Ma'am, you just ran that red light."
EXCUSE ME?! I'm in total shock!
"Did I really? You've got to be kidding me!"

I hand over my stuff so he can run it in his car. While he's gone, I can't help but play back the red light over and over again. It was green! It had to be! There's no way it could change that fast! And where did you even come from anyway? You weren't behind me on North Street, so how could you even know if my light was red?

After what seems like forever, my bespeckled friend approaches my car yet again. I've been pulled over before. I've been stopped 3 other times that I remember, and I've never been given a ticket. Well, there's a first time for everything! He begins his spill about when my court date is and blah, blah, blah, but I'm not buying it. Not without an explaination. So I question him and make him explain to me exactly what I did. I want to make sure he knows that I turned left off of North Street...I didn't just roll through the red light on Dudney.

"It was green when I approached the light, sir. I'm fairly confident that I didn't run the red light when I TURNED LEFT."
"Well, ma'am, you hesitated."
...SERIOUSLY?!... This driver does NOT hesitate. But of course, you don't tell a cop that.
"Um, I hesitated? I don't understand."
"Well, by the time you decided to turn, the light had turned red."
False! That's completely incorrect.

And I can tell now that he's questioning himself. But he's already commited to writing me a ticket, and he's not gonna back down. Fine. I sign, tell him thanks, and head home. I'm mad. Really...of ALL things to get a ticket for! Pull me over for speeding, that's fine. I tend to drive fast, so I'll admit my fault, take my ticket and be on my way. I may pout because I got caught, but I won't argue with you. This, however, I just might argue. I think it may be worth the fight. This girl is not happy.

I swear that light was GREEN!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Double Date!

I just love my baby brother and his beautiful fiance! They are so much fun. I don't get to see them as much as I would like, and that makes my heart sad. But when we do get to be together, we have the best time!

Headed to dinner

Monday night of our vacation was date night. Jeremy & I and Tyler & Abbie got to head to town and just hang out. We tried Margaritaville at Pier Park, but the wait was forever long. So we headed across the way to Guy Harvey's. The food was delicious! And of course the fellowship was sweet:)

After dinner we all walked around Pier Park and shopped a bit. We enjoyed some really great ice cream from a small dessert shop, and then headed home. While we were out, Mom & Dad took Lorelai to eat at Shade's. They enjoyed showing her off:)

I love spending time with Tyler and Abbie! We always have a great time with the 2 of them. Maybe one day we'll live a little closer together and I'll get to see them a little more often! Here are a few pictures from before we left the house for the night. I love pictures:)

Me and my handsome date!

Tyler & Abbie!

More Vacation

Sunday and Monday were spent being completely lazy at the beach in the sunshine. It was fantastic! Jeremy's not a big fan of the beach, so he was glad to keep Lorelai at the house for the majority of the time. He and mom & dad took turns staying at the house with her so she wouldn't have to be in the heat for extended periods of time, but she did enjoy herself when she was at the beach!

This is how she spent most of her time at the beach

The water was absolutely beautiful Sunday and Monday! The water wasn't exactly calm on Sunday, so it was fun to swim in the waves and be a kid again:) The four of us kayaked for a little while, which was something I had never done. I enjoyed it! We tried to get Lorelai back out in the water Sunday, but it was another fail. The poor baby just wasn't a fan of the ocean! Monday was so wonderful! The water was very calm, and super clear. As we headed down to the water, Abbie spotted something swimming super close to the beach...a Manta Ray! All day Monday we got to swim with these beautiful creatures. It was amazing to be so close to something like that. I truly marvel at God's creation.

Sunday night, we all headed down to the beach for those cliche beach pictures. I think they were a success, but no one walked by to take our picture, and of course I forgot my we never got a picture of all 7 of us! Sad day! After pictures, we trecked back up to the house for grilled chicken and steak. YUMMY! I love nights like that with my family!