Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Children are a gift from the Lord

We have received two very precious gifts in the last two days! I am so incredibly excited about the beautiful lives that God has blessed us with! Babies to love, nurture, and grow in the fear of the Lord. May he receive all of the glory!

On Monday, March 28, 2011 at 10:13 a.m., Miss Aria Marie Wisely finally graced us with her presence. We have been praying for you for a very long time, sweet girl! Mommy and Daddy Wisely are both doing well, and the new family of 3 were able to come home today. I absolutely cannot wait to watch her grow up!

On Tuesday, March 29, 2011 around 5:30 p.m., Miss Kendall Marie Welch decided that it was time to show her sweet face to the world! Lots of people have been waiting for you, baby girl! Jeff and Jennifer are both doing great. Although I haven't gotten to meet Kendall yet, I love her so much already!

Next up, Emory Grace Walker. She should be making her debut any day now. At least we hope so!

All of these sweet girls will be welcoming our Trek to the mix at some point. But for now, we will swoon over their perfect girl fingers and toes, and giggle over their cute squeeks and silly faces. Being a mommy is so much fun! And now 2 of my closest friends are getting to experience that precious gift first hand, for the first time. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

Crazy Kid!

My Lorelai Roxane is one of the funniest kids I've ever been around. I realize I'm just a tad partial, but surely everyone would agree that she is quite the entertainer! I wish I was quick enough (and home enough) to capture pictures of her wild antics. But since I'm not, you'll just have to bear with my descriptions.

Just last week, she started making the craziest faces! Whenever she sees someone new enter a room, her eyes get SUPER big, and her little mouth rounds into a perfect "O", like she's never been so surprised in her life! Lo has also decided that it's hilarious to wrinkle her forehead and stare you down, like she's bound and determined to set you on fire with her eyes. I'm not gonna lie, occassionally it's a bit scarey! But usually it just makes us laugh. I'm sure our story will change when she's still making this same face as a teenager...

Lorelai is going to be a singer, just like Mommy and Daddy. She absolutely loves to sing along with the radio in the car! Her favorite songs from Sunday School are "Zacchaeus" and "Deep and Wide." I think it's the cutest thing when she tries to do the motions too:) And she doesn't only sing, she also is very animated when she does so! Music is in her blood, clearly. If a catchy commercial jingle begins to play on the tv, she immediately stops what she's doing a dances a little jig. We love it! And so does she!

I absolutely cannot wait for Trek to join our crazy adventures. If his activity in the womb is any indication, he will have no problem fitting right in with the crazy Mitchells!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Time for an Update

It's been a while...

I have lots of excuses lined out, but surely you don't have time to read them. I'll leave it open for you to imagine the chaos of the life of an 8-month-pregnant mom of a 15-month-old girl, who also gets to teach 4 and 5 year olds everyday!

My sweet Lorelai is all over the place lately. She's gone from walking to running, which is leading to several bumps and bruises! I have never laughed so much in my life! Just in the last week, she has come up with several very animated facial expressions. I'm starting to realize that I'm going to have a girl with an attitude on my hands! I'm not really sure if my attitude can handle it, but I've got faith that the Lord will equip us through everything! She really is a joy, and I absolutely love every second I get to spend with her. Lo is, by far, the most hilarious kid I've ever encountered.

Trek is growing perfectly on schedule! I went to the doctor today for my 32 week visit. I can't believe we're already so close to meeting our precious boy. I had a slight scare around the 28th week of my pregnancy. Trek decided that, instead of being hyper-active like he had been in the past, he would take a 2 day nap and freak his mommy out. I called my doctor, and we quickly found a heartbeat. Since then, he has made me pay heavily for that worry! If his activity in the womb is any indication of the kind of child he will be, then Jeremy and I will be quite thin, because we'll be chasing him everywhere! He is so much more active than Lorelai ever was. And his movements are never rhythmic. Instead, they are constantly changing. It's wonderful knowing that he is still growing strong! But he is certainly wearing me out!

God is so good. Jeremy and I are incredibly blessed! At this moment, we are sitting on go, ready to be with our friends as they welcome their sweet babies! Angela will be meeting Miss Aria on Monday, at the latest. And Julie will welcome Baby Emory any day now! I absolutely cannot wait to watch all of these babies together! Glory to God!