Friday, July 23, 2010

Watermelon Shoot

A few weeks ago, Lorelai had a mini-photoshoot with a local photographer. Stacey Howell with Cloud Dust Photography does amazing work! She had a promotional shoot scheduled for the last weekend in June, so I quickly signed Lorelai up for a 30 minute session. We could choose between a watermelon-themed shoot, or a woodland fairy-themed shoot. I chose the watermelon, mostly because I don't think Lo was quite big enough for the fairy pictures.

For a small sitting fee, we got 30 minutes with Stacey. She then chose 5 of the best photos from the shoot, edited them, and burned them to a cd. A couple of weeks after our shoot, the pictures were ready! I am so pleased with the results!

I sure do love this sweet smile! It was tough to get her to smile, but as soon as her P-Pop showed up, so did the grins:)

Her mouth was open in every picture because she had been so sick that weekend. Poor girl couldn't breath through her nose:(

This one is our favorite! Such a classic Lorelai expression!

Stacey is an incredibly talented photographer. She's so great at capturing candid moments, as well as cute little poses. I definitely recommend her to anyone in the Magnolia area! When Jeremy asked me in June what I wanted for our anniversary, the only thing I asked for was a family photo shoot with Stacey. We're scheduled to have a session with her at the end of September. I can hardly wait!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

These are pictures from this weekend. It was a tough one for all of us, but we still enjoyed sweet fellowship with family. I haven't posted pictures in a while, so I thought I should share before I got in too much trouble:)

Four fun generations! We had a lot of fun Saturday evening and Sunday, just the four of us. I sure do love my mom and Grandma Eva!

Sweet Lorelai cooperates so well, even when there's a camera in her face!

This is special to me. These are the flowers that were at the church for Gramps' service. There are 22 red roses, and they represent the number of years Grandma Eva and Gramps were married. The 2 yellow roses represent Tyler and me. And the big sunflower represents Lorelai. She lit up his life, that's for sure!

It is so hard knowing that Gramps is gone. But it is such a blessing knowing that his death was not the end! I got to hear his salvation story this weekend, and it thrills my soul to know that he had faith in the Savior. He is rejoicing, and he doesn't miss us one bit! This is the way it should be! Praise God!

Monday, July 12, 2010

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 116:15

Death is hard. Death is painful. Death is heartbreaking. But I praise my Jesus that death is not the end! I have leaned on this hope so many times in the past, and He is faithful to let me lean on it again today.

I desire to bring glory to the Father in my every action, my every word, my every thought. Even when faced with suffering, we are to glorify God for who He is. I'm so thankful to be a child of God. How fortunate that He chose to place me in a family that placed such value on His Word and His church. How unworthy I am of His salvation and His mercies. I'm so grateful and so humbled.

Death has no sting for a child of God. What a beautiful promise! The sorrow may last for the night, but His joy comes in the morning. Praise God! Today is painful for us, and tomorrow will be as well. The next few months hold many tears of sadness for us. But we will never cease to praise His name for who He is.

He continues to prove Himself faithful, and His mercies are new every morning.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Little Fan!

We love the Texas Rangers at our house! I grew up watching them play. I can remember staying up late during the summer with Tyler watching games and learning players. I remember my very first Ranger game. I remember our favorite players in the 90s. I remember learning the ins and outs of America's favorite past-time, all while watching the Rangers! Sure, they're not always a winning team, and they usually break your heart come July or August. But they still are, and always will be, my favorite team in baseball.

I converted Jeremy when we got married, and now we're both hooked! Lorelai will be raised a Ranger fan, as sad as that may seem to many. She already has 3 outfits and a bib. I'm planning her first trip to the ballpark later this season. Enjoy the next few pictures of her cheering them on last night! Sadly, they blew it. Better luck next time, boys!

I think these are so funny. She looks like she's forcing a smile for the camera.

I saved the best for last! When I look at this picture, I can't help but say, "Bless her heart!"