Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Thankful for the Little Things


My dishwasher
A washer and dryer that are inside my house
An air conditioner that works
Wireless internet!
Bottle scrubbers
Cold Dr. Pepper
Lorelai Laughs
Clean sheets
Gummy grins
Channel 750 coming in clear so I can watch the Rangers in HD
Memories in pictures
Tiny baby shoes on my automan
My job
My husband's job

I wish I didn't take so much for granted. I just thought it'd be nice to reflect on some things that I rarely even think about. I really have no reason to complain!

She just keeps growing!

Lorelai is getting so big! Every single day I'm blown away with how much she changes. I went in her room this morning to check her, and I couldn't help but marvel at how much she's grown. She's so tall! I measured her tonight, and she's 25 inches! We took her to the doctor a few weeks ago, and she was 18 pounds! When did this happen?! I feel like I went to sleep one night, and the next morning she was this tall, chunky, singing, crawling, dancing baby girl.

Of course, I'm absolutely thrilled that she's growing so well! And every single day with her is more fun than the last. She loves to laugh at the silliest things, and she has the most beautiful smile on the planet. And no, I'm not at all biased:) Check out these super cute pictures of her scrunchy grin!

This is a child with a 102 - 103 fever!

She's definitely a poser for the camera! She thinks they were all created for her:)

She is the most amazing human being on the planet, hands down. I give my Heavenly Father all of the glory and praise for giving us such an incredible baby girl to share our lives with. She's so happy all the time. She's pleasant. She's low-maintenance. She's a joy!

Lorelai just keeps growing! And we wouldn't have it any other way!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lorelai's First Game!

We are HUGE Ranger fans at our house! This is obvious from a couple of previous posts. I've been counting down the days til we took Lo to her first game. We finally got the chance last Saturday, the 28th! To say I was excited would be an understatement. I was PUMPED! Not only was it her first game, but it was my first game since last season!

Tyler met us in Fairview on Saturday, where we stayed with Jeremy's aunt and uncle. Saturday night, we loaded up and headed to the game! We had great seats. We were behind the left field foul poll. Jeremy picked these seats so that we would be in left field with Hamilton:) Lo stayed awake through the whole game, and never once fussed or cried! We seriously must have the most chill baby on the planet! Hope you enjoy the few pictures that we took!

She was a happy camper, even after being toted around for an hour

Mommy and her super excited little fan!

Lo hangin out with Uncle Tyler during the game

We had such a great weekend! We enjoyed spending time with Jan, Jeff, Joah, Jess, and Judson. And of course the game was a blast! Sure, they lost, but they're still our team!:) See you in the playoffs, Rangers!