Thursday, August 26, 2010

In With the New

Life is funny. It's an adventure. It's never what you expect it to be. Sometimes God opens doors for us that we didn't even know where there.

Life is different for me now. I had no idea 2 months ago that I would even have the opportunity that I have now. A few weeks ago, it was mentioned to me in passing that there was a teaching position open at Columbia Christian Childcare in town. We talked about it for a little while. My friends have always known that I've had an interest in teaching, but that I've never pursued it. I guess they decided that they would pursue it for me! The next day, I had 2 of those friends contact me about the same position. One had even taken the time to call and speak with the director of the center.

Every piece of the puzzle kept falling into place. This couldn't just be by chance. If I am going to claim to have the faith that I claim to have, then I've got to live it. And so I did! Me and Jesus talked about it...a LOT. I agonized over this decision. There were nights that I couldn't sleep and days that I couldn't focus. I loved my job. I was happy. I was making good money. I had a great boss and coworkers that were so much fun! I would be absolutely crazy to leave! But sometimes God does things that we think are crazy.

Every single door opened for me within 2 weeks. And so...drumroll please...I've taken the job as a Pre-K4 teacher at CCS! Holy moly! It has absolutely rocked my world and turned me on my head. But I love it! My class is so much fun. We're all still getting to know eachother, but I really do have a good bunch of kiddos. They're not perfect by any means, but who is? Certainly not me! I love it, and I know that this is where God wants me. That's the most important thing to me.

My plans are to work through the Non Traditional Licensure Program for the next 2 years. I want to get my license in secondary English so that I can teach high school-level English courses. I know, it sounds gross to most people, but it's where my heart it. I actually wanted to major in English in college so that I could teach, but I changed my mind for one reason or another. But I'm doing it now. I'm jumping in! My next step is to take Praxis 1 and 2. They have to be completed before I can apply for the summer-intensive program. So here we go! This should be a wonderful adventure. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for our family through this journey! Stay tuned... :)

1 comment:

  1. awesome! I am very happy for you! CCS was really a very good experience for me, I'm glad that you will be a part of that experience for someone else.
