Friday, October 21, 2011

Watch Me Grow - 5 Months

If it seems like this is the only time I ever blog, that's because it is! Once a month is apparently all that I can handle at the present time. We work and play too much for blogging, but I do like to brag on my babies any chance that I get!

Last Saturday, Trek-man had his 5 month "birthday!" To say that my boy is getting big would be an understatement. I weighed him on Saturday, and he tipped the scales at a whopping 18.2 pounds! For those of you who are keeping up, that's just 3 pounds shy of tripling his birth weight, which is what most babies do by their first birthday. Check out these uber-sweet pictures of our handsome little dude!

Trek Hamilton, at 5 months, you:
  • Weigh 18.2 pounds, and are wearing 6-12 month clothing
  • are beginning to show your sweet personility! You are very smiley :)
  • love to talk and squeel! Just last week you really found your voice. We think it is so funny!
  • sleep very well at night. Occassionally we have to get up and soothe you back to sleep, but we have completely cut out all night time feedings.
  • love your sister the most! She loves to talk to you and play with you, and you just laugh and laugh! We are very excited for the 2 of you to be friends. :)
  • have made the adjustment to formula well. Your tummy seems to be responding just fine!
  • love to eat your cereal at night! Since you've learned to blow bubbles, you think it's pretty funny to spit your cereal and watch Mommy laugh.
  • are more schedule orriented than any of the rest of your family. You like your bedtime routine, and you very rarely let me leave out a step!
  • finally started bearing weight on your legs this month! Mommy was beginning to be very concerned about this, even though everyone told us that you would do things slower because of your size. You're still pretty lazy about it, but that's ok with us!
  • really love to snuggle. You're going to be attached to your blankets just like your sister is!
  • are working on sitting up unassisted, but I think we still have a couple of months to go. You still need to build up those back and neck muscles to support all of that weight!
  • do NOT like to miss your naps! You are usually only asleep for 2 hours at a time before you are ready to sleep again. That's okay with Mommy, because you still sleep so well at night.
I cannot believe that our kids are growing so quickly! Lorelai is changing so much, too. She is quite the chatter box. Just the other day, Jeremy and I were having a conversation in the car. We were discussing something pretty important, although I don't remember exactly what it was at the moment. Any time one of us would stop talking for even a second, Lorelai would start to repeat what we were saying! At one point, we both just looked at her and laughed. It was like she was so interested in what we were talking about! She is so funny to us!

Lorelai loves the Rangers. I know, we've raised her well! She knows when they're on the tv. And when she hasn't seen them in a while, she starts to ask about them. During the long stretch after they won their division and all of the other teams were playing, she would often bring us the remote control and say, "Rangers!" We would just laugh and say, "Sorry Lo! They're not playing tonight!" It may be a long off-season for us at the Mitchell house...

We wouldn't be able to do the things we do without our families. Everytime I sit and reflect on the fact that all of our grandparents, and nearly all of our great grandparents are in town, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to my King. I am so very grateful that the Lord has allowed us to live in the same town with our families. I don't know how I would make it without them. They are so essential to my survival! :)

We are blessed. We are thankful. We desire to bring glory to the Father in all things.

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