Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's Been a While

Seems like forever since I've posted an update on my baby girl. Since I have a few minutes, I thought I should try and let everybody know how she's growing and changing!

Every day with Lorelai is such a blessing and a wonderful adventure! Lately it's like she changes overnight. She's so much more vocal. She discovered last week that she can scream...and she really seems to like it! Usually it's cute, but sometimes it's a bit much. Especially when she's throwing a fit. Her favorite sound to make for the moment is a throaty "g" sound. It's so funny! She'll raise her eyebrows and look at you like she's saying something VERY important. Lo's also learned to blow bubbles, which is pretty entertaining! She's of course started to drool like a maniac. Occasionally she wears a bib, but I usually just let her go to town on her clothes. Baby clothes aren't supposed to stay perfectly crisp and dry, right?

I love watching her learn about her environment and about what her body can do. She's slowly starting to figure out that she has control over those limbs that we call arms. She'll grip a toy if you put it in her hands, and she's really great at bringing stuff to her mouth. *cue the slobber* She loves tummy time and is so good at sitting up on her hands! Looks like she'll be crawling everywhere in no time at all! She's rolling over really well now. She actually rolled from her front to her back for the first time on March 31...her 3 month "birthday!" We were so incredibly proud of our baby girl! I'm sure if anyone could have seen us making such a big fuss over her, they would have been highly entertained. She's managed to roll from her back to her front a few times, which is much harder, but I'm not quite sure she actually understands what she did.

Lorelai's very close to sitting up on her own. Her head control is pretty well established, and she does really well in her Bumbo seat. She just hasn't quite gotten her balance down. Won't be long though! And she smiles that beautiful gummy smile that I absolutely adore! It melts my heart everytime I see it! She cracks me up...when you go to give her kisses on her face, she opens her mouth REALLY wide and just grins and grins!

This little girl has everyone in her life wrapped around all of her tiny fingers! I just love watching everyone interact with her. It makes my heart happy to watch Jeremy be a daddy to her. And watching all of her grandparents oooh and aaah over her every move is absolutey precious. These days are days I will treasure forever. I know that it's SO true when people tell you that they grow up too fast! So I'm holding on to today and enjoying every moment I have with my sweet Lorelai Roxane!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading everything you have to say about her! I can't wait until we get to experience all of those same things. :)

