Monday, April 26, 2010

Something to think about...

" 'Joy is a great ingredient in praise ... Praise is the most joyful work in the world.' Therefore, if God is truly for us, if he would give us the best and make our joy full, he must make it his aim to win our praise for himself. Not because he needs to shore up some weakness in himself or compensate for some deficiency, but because he loves us and seeks the fullness of our joy that can only be found in knowing and praising him, the most beautiful of all Beings." - John Piper

"God is for us, and therefore has been, is now and always will be, first, for himself. I urge you not to resent the centrality of God in his own affections, but to experience it as the fountain of your everlasting joy." - John Piper

I'm spending a small part of my morning reading a sermon by John Piper from 1984, and my spirit is stirring to share the truths of God's Word. John Piper is a man of God. I believe he preaches the truths of the scriptures with accuracy. His messages are challenging, and definitely not watered down! He doesn't preach a flowery gospel, or a feel-good gospel. He preaches the truth, and that seems to be a rarity in today's evangelical churches.

But this shouldn't be a post about a man. Piper is a godly man, but he's not a god. My God is the only true King...the God of all Creation. Everlasting, He is the only One to be praised. The sermon that I'm referring to can be found here. It probably takes 15 to 20 minutes to read, uninteruppted. It's worth the time it takes to sit down and read it, or listen to it. I know that I exist to glorify God, but have I ever really considered primarily why God exists? Does He exist, first, to love me? Does He exist, first, to save me? Does He exist, first, to take care of me? No! Sure, He does all of those things in His existance, but that is not the primary purpose of his existance. His ultimate purpose is the same as my purpose, and that is to glorify Himself. It would do me good, and you as well, to learn and believe this truth. It would do us all good to learn that God is not God for us first. He is not who He is simply for our pleasure and enjoyment. He is God for HIS pleasure, for HIS glory! We just get to reap the benefits of His existance!

Thank You, Lord, that You allow us to boast in You. Thank You, God, that You are gracious enough to allow us to praise You. May I never go a day without giving You all glory and honor and praise. Help me to understand that You chose me as Your child when I was so undeserving, so filthy! Forgive me for failing to glorify You as I should. Help me be better, Lord. Teach me to love You and praise You in a way that would be pleasing to You. Thank You for saving me and calling me into Your presence. You alone are God!

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