Friday, April 30, 2010

Growing Up!

I haven't posted pictures of Lorelai lately, so I should probably update on how much she's growing! She's almost sitting up now. She actually got pretty close one morning this week...she was sort of propping herself up with her hands in front of her. If she could just get her balance to keep from falling to the side, she's have it down for sure! Lorelai weighs a little less than 13 pounds and is probably about 24 inches long. She's started to really like "standing up" and her little legs are getting so strong!

Lo loves to laugh and grin. She'll get so tickled and then hide her face from you. It's pretty fun to play her version of Hide-and-Seek! Yesterday when I picked her up from P-Pop and D-Dar's house, she was in such a happy mood! Everytime P-Pop would talk, she would show off all of her gums. She'll grin really big and pull her bottom lip down so you can see all of her bottom just melts my heart!

These are just a few of my favorites from yesterday's shoot with Cindy Martin. Lorelai was all smiled out by the time we actually got where we were going! Maybe we'll get to see those dimples next time:)

I just love this dress! I got it at Best Dressed Kids online. It's one of my favorites. I can't wait til it actually fits!:)

This is as close to a smile as we got yesterday! Can't keep those hands out of her mouth!

Lorelai loves being on her belly! She'll talk and laugh and play her "Hide-and-Seek" game!

This is one that I took in the front yard before church Wednesday night. I couldn't find her headband that I needed to clip this bow to, so I just clipped it in her hair, and it actually stayed! She was in such a good mood, and I was so proud of her bow, so I just had to take pictures! This is one of her bows that Candy Lineberry made. We'll be making another order VERY soon:)

She's blowing lots of bubbles lately! All of that time that her hands spend in her mouth makes for lots and lots of slobber:) I think teething is just around the corner for us. Oh what an adventure!

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