Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Little Fan!

We love the Texas Rangers at our house! I grew up watching them play. I can remember staying up late during the summer with Tyler watching games and learning players. I remember my very first Ranger game. I remember our favorite players in the 90s. I remember learning the ins and outs of America's favorite past-time, all while watching the Rangers! Sure, they're not always a winning team, and they usually break your heart come July or August. But they still are, and always will be, my favorite team in baseball.

I converted Jeremy when we got married, and now we're both hooked! Lorelai will be raised a Ranger fan, as sad as that may seem to many. She already has 3 outfits and a bib. I'm planning her first trip to the ballpark later this season. Enjoy the next few pictures of her cheering them on last night! Sadly, they blew it. Better luck next time, boys!

I think these are so funny. She looks like she's forcing a smile for the camera.

I saved the best for last! When I look at this picture, I can't help but say, "Bless her heart!"

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