Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Leaving My Baby Girl

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I am leaving my sweet Lorelai for the first time for any extended period of time. I'm starting to get quite anxious. Not because I'm worried about Lorelai, of course, but because I'm going to miss her oh so much!

Jeremy and I are packing up tonight and leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for Dallas, Texas. We are going as sponsors to SOAR, an annual youth conference put on by the BMA. I love Soar. I've been going since I was in the 7th grade. The only year I've ever missed was the year Jeremy and I got married. Since then, we have been going as sponsors with our students, and we love it! Of course, this year is a bit different. We debated about bringing Lorelai on the trip. After all, I am nursing, and I really didn't like the thought of having to switch her to formula, or even having to supliment with formula. Unfortunately, my body has decided that it may not be up for nursing for much longer, so we started suplimenting a few weeks ago. It's gone great so far, and so Lorelai will stay home during Soar.

We are taking a group of almost 100 students! I know we're going to be going like crazy, so it's best that we not add a 6 month old baby to the mix. We will be taking Lorelai to Nanny and Pappy's to spend the night tonight, since we have to load up and head out of town before 7:00 in the morning. She will stay with them until Thursday night, when D-Dar and P-Pop will pick her up and keep her until we come home Friday evening. I'm excited about our trip! But I sure am going to miss my sweet baby girl!

I really never understood why people were like this with their children. I thought I understood that they loved them and all, but I thought that it should just be super easy to leave them for short times. But what everyone says is so true...you never fully understand the monumental love that a parent has for a child until you become a parent yourself. It blows my mind how in love with this baby girl I am! Every single day, I find even more love in my heart for her. How is that even possible at this point?

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