Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dance Dance!

I love my family. We always have the best time together, no matter what's going on. Even growing up, I can remember us getting along so well...for the most part. I remember actually enjoying spending time with my parents when all of my friends were complaining about theirs. I remember my little brother being my best friend when everyone else hated their siblings. I value time with my family. It's a priority in my life. Since Tyler's gone to college, I haven't gotten to see him as much as I'd like, so I jump (or dance!) at every opportunity I get to see him and Abbie. Last weekend was no exception.

See...Abbie's sister, Amanda, owns a dance studio in Springdale. She started it in the fall of last year, so they're still getting their feet off the ground. My sweet, wonderful, fearless brother decided to help her out and take a hip hop class from her. Go ahead...I'll pause while you laugh for a couple of minutes...

Ok, got your breath? Good. I had a good laugh when I first heard too! Saturday, Mom, Dad, Lorelai and I loaded up and headed to Little Rock for the day to see Ty and Ab in his very first dance competition! Go ahead...you can laugh again. So after sitting around for a little while, they finally were about to dance. I gotta be honest, I was a bit excited to see it! I had been hearing from Amanda and Abbie that they actually were really good and that I would be impressed. Let me just say...I was impressed!

There were 3 other guys in his group, and they absolutely stole the show. I was quite proud of him when it was over! And of course all of the girls in the audience were going crazy for those 4 cute guys on the stage. It was really quite cute. After it was all over, they handed out awards. And, drumroll please......they won!! They actually won! They got a trophy and money for the studio. How crazy is that?!

Another fun weekend with my family. What a blessing. We shouldn't take these days for granted. We're not promised more with anybody. We're living in today, not next week, next month, or next year, but today. Enjoy it, because it doesn't last forever.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Amanda! Great job on the blog! I already miss you guys!
