Friday, March 12, 2010

MMM Cereal!

This week we decided to start giving Lorelai cereal at night. We were hoping it would help her sleep longer during the night. She sleeps really well, but she still wakes up once to eat every night, so I usually only get 4 hours of uninterupted sleep. So far she's only had it twice, but both nights she's done really well with her sleeping. The first time we gave it to her was Tuesday night, and she wasn't too happy about it. She didn't like having to wait for every bite! We managed to get her to eat most of it, but she was still pretty messy when it was all over. She ate her cereal at 9:30, nursed for a few minutes, and was in bed by 10:30 (I know...I should put my child to bed earlier. We'll work on that next). She didn't wake up to nurse again until around 5:00 Wednesday morning, which is pretty good!

Wednesday night she didn't get cereal because we stayed at the North Wing until around 10:00. At that point I just wanted to come home, put her in her pjs, and head to bed. So she woke up around 2:30 to nurse, which is pretty normal for us.

Last night, P-Pop and D-Dar kept Lo for us while we went out to eat with Dr. Robison, so she got cereal at their house. She did MUCH better last night...they said after the first few bites she gobbled it right up! She even got mad when they stopped feeding her:) Here are a few pictures of her eating with P-Pop and D-Dar last night

She slept the same last night as she did Tuesday night...we were up again at 5:00 this morning. While that's definitely an improvement for us, I sure would like for her to sleep longer! I think the 5:00 feeding has taken the place of her 2:00 - 3:00 feeding because she goes right back to sleep when she's done, instead of waking up like she would around 7:00. Hopefully in the next few weeks we can start getting her to bed before 9:00 and weaning her off of her middle-of-the-night snack! Mommy sure would like to be able to sleep normal hours again someday!:)

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