Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Still Figuring Things Out...

This blogging thing is a lot of fun for me, but I'm still learning how to do quite a few things! My sweet friend, Kelsey, as kind enough to give me the Kreative Blogger Award last week...and it's taken me this long to figure out how to post it and follow all of the rules!:) Thankfully, Ashley and Kelsey were a lot of help. So here's the award, and the rules!

1. Post the award.
Done! Finally!

2. Thank and mention the person who gave you the award!
Thanks Kelsey! Hopefully I'll get a bit better at this:)

3. Pass the award onto seven bloggers whom you think embody the spirit Kreative Blogger Award.
Skip to the bottom...

4. Name seven things about yourself that others do not know.
This should be fun! Skip to the bottom...

5. Don't forget to notify the seven other bloggers about their award and post a link to their blog.
Got it. 7 things you may or may not know about me...

1. I'm a terrible housekeeper. This is probably obvious to anyone who's spent any amount of time at my house lately. And the thing is, I REALLY wish I was better at it! I hate a mess, but my house never ceases to be one giant one! I have this desire to be uber organized, but my crazy schedule doesn't seem to allow it.

2. I'm afraid of tanning beds. I refuse to get back in one. Not for some self-righteous reason or skin cancer risk or blah blah blah. No, I don't lay in the tanning bed because I've been burned severely...twice. Two of the most painful experiences of my life. Never, ever again...

3. I like to paint. Not art, but walls. Stupid, I know. But I was really disappointed that I couldn't help paint our house when Jeremy was remodeling everything. They wouldn't even let me in the house if they were painting! Most people hate painting...I can't really figure out why I like it so much!

4. I really miss the ocean. I'm married to a man who loves the mountains, which is totally fine by me, because I do too! But I was raised on the beach! I need some salt water and sand in my life soon.

5. All of my friends are going skiing next week without us. That makes me sad. This is no secret, but I'm really running out of stuff to say here!

6. I'm growing my hair out. Long.'s gonna be crazy long.

7. In making this list, I've realized I'm not very interesting. I apologize to all of my blog readers:)

Since I'm fairly new at this, I don't know many bloggers, but I do have a few that I love to follow!
1. You should check out Julie at UNTIL HE COMES. Her faith inspires me. And her kiddos are so much fun!
2. Jennifer always has something interesting to say at A Day in Jenn Jenn's Shoes. I love her honesty and humor.
3. Ashley's blog inspired me to start one of my own! I love reading about Chuck, Ashley and Karis at Everyday Blessings. Ash, I've never gotten to meet Karis, but she's such a sweet girl! We miss you guys!
4. Lauren's blog is super creative and fun. I enjoy reading your stuff, Lauren! Over the Rainbow is a really fun blog!

Honestly, that's all I follow at this point! Please, feel free to leave blog suggestions!:) Hopefully I'll get better at this blogging business as time goes on.

1 comment:

  1. You kind words made my week, Amanda! (and it's been a rough one, too!) Thank you! I hope all is well!
